Sunday, April 30, 2006

Names...names...and more names.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes just gave birth to a child names Suri.

And while I'm not here to talk about premaritial sex or that stuff, I did smile when I saw that name.

Suri means "Red rose" in Persian, "Princess" in Hebrew.

And "Pickpocket" in Japanese.


What I'm interested in, is not the strange meaning the name has, because, for example, Merci means "Thanks" in french, while Mercy is something you beg in english before the axe falls on your neck.

What I'm interested in, is why parents try to name their child in an unique way, so that it "stands up".

Of course, we have enough of "Tom", "Dick" and "Harry" in this world. However, this seems to be the era where it's "fashionable" to have a strange name. No more, will three heads turn in your direction when you shout "Jerry!" in the middle of Orchard Road. (BTW, Jerry is what the allies called Germany troops during WWII :o).

Hence, it's not too find uncommon names now.

However, with uncommon, comes the word "strange".

"Freschanio", "Libupoteria", "alhwuohfekfdsg". These are the strange names kids have to endure with because their parents find it "cool" to say "Meet my son, juhoaienhiaeionf!"

Not only do the kids have to endure a life long pain of people looking at them weirdly when they introduce themselves (Can you imagine how an employer would look at you if you had that name?), but also a the sheer agony that people will never pronounce their names right.

Their parents say "hijuka", everyone else goes "bajgoagte". Or whatever their names are, thanks to the strange way it is spelt, or is said.

I know, my name is never pronounced right. Got used to it. LoL.

However, what's wrong with being common? James, Kimberly, Sarah are all very nice names, easy on the tongue, and very common. Why do we trouble ourselves just to be unique? I mean, names are cool and stuff, but when it goes beyond an easy way to recognise your work and your face, it becomes very troublesome. Besides, it's just a name. First impressions count, yes (although I fail to see how people get impressed if your name sounds like some dude in a native tribe), but after that, it's all down to your work, your commitment, and your ability. You can have the most fantastic name in the world, but if you are crap, you are crap.

Keep it Simple, Stupid. (KISS. :o)


All, elections posters are up.


I know, my camera sucks.

However...interesting... :o


Ah, the month of May.

The movie month. Mission Impossible 3, Da Vinci Code (28th), X-man III (8th, although I plan to "obtain" this one).

Not to mention Silent Hill in June (unconfirmed =\. States had aired it though).

Also, it reminds me....

3 months left till her birthday....



Saturday, April 29, 2006

3 - 0

And with that, Chelsea wins the league.





In your face, suckers! XD

Ok, I had one beer too many. Don't mind me.

Fantastic match (as usual). However, Rooney going off was not a good sign for England fans.

Don't worry! Crouch will save you!

Let's see, unfit Owen, a possible injured Rooney....


2010 South Africa then?

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Bridge Tournament . :o

So, today was the bridge tournament.

I decided to go to school earlier than usual today, after waltzing through the back gate for the nth time, smiling/waving/showing the V sign/flipping the bird at the camera, which could have been a brick for all it's worth, since I could easily sneak in and out of the security which has more holes than a swiss cheese.

And then, it seems like I was too early. >__>

Oh well. Wait wait. Stupid rain.

Finally, it began.

And I was disappointed as hell.

Last year, we had 9 tables screwing around with our rigged decks.

This year, there was only 3 tables. >__>

Oh well. The timing was horrible, learning journey happened today too, which meant all the year ones did not appear.

But still....

Oh well. It was fun. I can't believe board 11 was played. And also, I can't believe someone actually made what the board was supposed to make them play. Board 3 was supposed to make 4H, and someone did it. :o Under pressure, someone made 5C too.

Interesting. Last year, not one team made the bids. LoL.

However, this is about it for bridge. The best player decided that the team was crap, and isn't going to join the inter-college compeition.

And you know what?

I don't blame him.

At least, I was hoping the 2 students I taught would appear today. 1 decided to disappear, the other appeared, but ended up doing nothing due to her partner not going.

And oh, did I mention that the former did not utter a word of apology?

Seesh. The current school team players just picked the game up a few weeks ago, and while they did win the tournament, it was thanks to loads of luck in the tournament of the champions.

If they were against me and Clement, who are crap when compared to people like CJC and HCJC, they would be burried 20 - 0 VPs.

Ah well. Was fun. I got something to do, at least.

But that's about all I'll do. I don't see any point of going down any more. Bus fares are killing me (64 cents for a trip to TPJC, and another 64 cents back home. :o)

I won't say I'm not disappointed though. I had actually some hopes of the team finishing in the top 5 this year.

Oh well.


Song of (Whatever) changed to Shoujo Meiro de Tsukamaete, by Misato Aki, the opening theme of Strawberry Panic!. Fantastic song. Hell, I'm surprised that this shoujo anime has such an upbeat song.

Great choice, I'll say. :D Too bad the ending was weird as hell.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Since I'm rather free these saturdays, I've been tasked to be the carry boy when my parents decided to go to the supermarkets.

And soon, I'll be tasked as the driver too. :o

First was Sheng Song, a place popular, because it's cheap.

However, because the place is so small, it resembles a freaking tower defense map in Warcraft 3.

Yes, that's how cramped that damned place is. Trolleys are obviously not allowed in, and everyone has to carry their baskets, loaded with food carefully, or risk the wrath of humans when you smack it against them. (F=ma, when m is high, F will be high if there is a. :o)

However, what further surprised me was how people left their baskets unguarded, unattended, on the floor, and no one seemed to care.

-A basket left unattended (by me)

With all the posters around saying "Don't risk it, report it!" (BTW, better than the "Be the one who report it!" which sounds like it's good to discover a suspecious object), I'm fairly surprised no one cared. Of course, in it are food stuff and what not.

But, one stick of dynamite can easily be hidden there too.

Don't tell me "But why will terrorists blow a supermarket?". To cause chaos, this is pretty huge. Besides, the ambassador of planet X's chef's maid could be there, and it can be used as an assassination method.


Scary thought.

Heh, competition in a month's time, and they still don't seem to care.

I wonder if I should have bothered to go back every week. I mean, the activity level is horrible. Coming at 3:30, leaving at 4. Coming at 5:30, leaving at 5:45 after picking up tips, which I've drilled (obviously not hard enough) into them back in January.

And these are just basics, ffs.

That girl actually had the gall to tell me "Make sure you come everyday, and don't you get a job", when her attendance is half of what I have this year, even though I'm a senior.

Pathetic. At least, back in our batch, we were training every week. This year, people are leaving so early, or still having fun when they can't even get the basics.

How the hell do you expect to go to a competition? Seriously. I don't blame the best player for saying "I don't feel like going", because the team is crap.

Did I mention crap? >_>

Bah. Forget it. I've done my part.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Ahh, politics.

Usually, I avoid talking about politics, because, (if I make a mistake) I'm not that rich, and I am, by no means, an expert in this field.

But then again...

"If you don't have the law of defamation, you would be like America where people say terrible things about the president and it can't be proved. Is it right? Is it wrong? Because even if it is wrong, the president cannot sue. Or it will be like the philippines where people say terrible things about the President. She can't sue. Or Thailand, where serious things are said about Thaksin and then he wanted to sue and eventually for other reasons, couldn't proceed." --Mr Lee

I smiled when I read that.

Well, politics here is fun, but it is totally different from that in Hong Kong. When I'm bored, I'll listen online to radio HK, where they have this talkshow at 11pm, which discusses everything and anything. In general, mostly, about politics. XD

Politics in HK is rather fun to watch. When 1 party proposes something, the other WILL (somehow) find a way to shoot it down. No idea why, but they just do it. On radio, there are always people talking about the government, their policies (although now that Tung Chee Hwa is gone, there are less, but still plenty to talk about). Even when the legistators meet, there will be fireworks.

All's fun. Hehe.

Saturday, April 22, 2006


One week or so before the outcome of the application is known, shit has to happen.


I wonder if I can get in....

What I know is, I probably won't get to business. So many have got an interview offer.

I don't even have one.

Self angst ftw, I guess.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The beauty of the net. <3


Since Singapore takes 8190274901 years to get the school rumble comic, I've decided to do some searching.

And whoa~.


I love the net.

And of course, the sources. Basically, if you need something, google, or visit forums. From there, you will be able to discover some sources which you can obtain such items.

Only thing is, KNOWING how to use the search engine. Back in Primary school, when the internet was all the craze, they taught people how to use the search engines correctly.

Thing is, do you really expect a 8 year old kid to remember such things, especially when half of them probably don't have a net at home? >_> Hell, I've barely started using the net at the age of 9.

But then, they don't care. The only thing they care was passing that information to us, and the only thing we cared was playing games (which we would go on to complete for a few zillion times).

However, as the net became wider, and as we started using the net more and more, we will come across sources which will lead us to yet another source. GameFAQs led me to a friend whom I would know as Flamie Z, who would introduce Anime-Source website to me, which would, in turn, introduce fansubbing to me.

Hell, the first ever fansubbed anime I've watched was Vandread, BUT, a proper fansub would be Saiyuki reloaded episode 1 by Anime-Kraze.

And then, the list goes on.

With search engines, you could almost find everything. Books, audio books, music, protected sites (although if you can get into these sites, they arn't protected well enough. :o).

Just about everything, and anything.

Assuming you know how to use the search engines. The world is out there, once you learn the secret of the search engines.

Which, happens to be the tough part. :P

*goes back to reading School Rumble Manga*

After a rather fun/tiring day of bridge deck rigging (again. I CAN'T wait for someone to play board 11, hopefully. The deck is so freaking funny. East has all diamonds, West has all clubs, North has all spades but the ace, and South has all hearts but the ace. XD), I went to test out my noobility at House of The Dead 4 again, this time, with Angela.

Well, kinda expected. Died at the lovers. Nothing to be ashamed of, since the lovers ate my dollars until I got used to it.

However, as we were walking to see a watch strap, she did raise an interesting question.

A question I kinda shielded myself from these few months/years.

"Why don't you get a girlfriend?"

Ouch. No need to remind me of the void in my life. :P

But really, why, I wonder, why?

To be honest. I don't know.

Or do I?

Only I know the answer. :o

I think. Heh.

Oh, Happy Birthday Angela! Have a great year ahead!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Driving at night.

Ugh. Thanks to everything being booked up, I've got no choice but to select one of my driving lessons at 7pm.

And it's only my 3rd lesson. >_>

As what's left of the sun slowly slid behind the horizon, what's left of the light faded away. Street lamps, asleep when the sun hangs in the sky like Tiger Wood's Masters trophy, flicker to life, lighting the streets for humans who have discovered, in this fast paced world today, that time is precious. Night time is meant for dancing around a camp fire or enjoying the stars.

Now, it's used as a damned driving lesson.

The differences are huge. You can barely see the car behind you, using it's blinding headlights to judge whether that sucker behind is about to overtake you or not. Right turns become 100% more difficult, as I've found out, since if pedestarians (with black T-shirt, FFS) suddenly decide to cross the road, chance is, your instructor is going to scream at you (which he did. Ugh).

If right turns are bad, I can think of something worse.

Cats running across the road. >_>

As a master of a cat (even though they have no masters), I can't run a cat down. So, when one ran across my path, I took evasive action.

Only...the wrong one.

Moving the wheel. (Note to self: Use the brakes next time)

Of course, the instructor found another reason to chid me. "If there was a cyclist beside, then you will bang him" was the words I remember so fondly. On top of that, he constantly reminds me that if there's no instruction given at a junction, I must drive straight, which he repeated for just about everytime I'm about to drive straight. :o

All in all, tiring, but fun.

But still....

Back to the mornings/afternoons next time. :o

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Good bye, Starhub.

It's time I defected to Singnet. $48 for a 3.5mbit ADSL line is just too great an offer to resist. I've actually waited for Starhub to respond, since my contract has expired, but starhub's only response to singnet's promotion is to give a free camera/Xbox 360 (at $299 for the Xbox).

No thanks. Those things are useless. What I need is a cheap price for my internet. All the newspaper reports on Starhub being slow isn't exactly helping, but a poll on GameFAQ's forum shows that both singnet and starhub is roughly the same.

And besides, I've had enough of Starhub's speed. From personal (NOTE: PERSONAL. May NOT apply to you) experience, the speeds are crap. No where near the 6.5mbit promised. Hell, I barely get 1mb/s download. If I do, it's rare, or lasts all of 5 seconds before dropping to 18.8kb/s.

So, farewell Starhub.

Hello Singnet.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

April Animes

A crap load of anime aired/is to be aired in April.

And I have loads of time.


Watch them all. Rofl.

Anyway, here are my thoughts so far.


-School Rumble Semester 2: Watch if you have watched season 1. If you didn't watch it anyway. LoL. Simply hilarious.

-Utawarerumono: Adapted from a H-game (It's the craze these days). Some guy lost his memory, finds himself with a mask stuck to his face, and in a village full of people with animal ears and tails. Fantastic voice actors/actress, and the animation does NOT disappoint. Romance/action. Very promising for a extremely underhyped anime.

-ZEGAPAIN: Seems to be one of the few (if there's any more, in fact) mecha shows this season. 1st episode is downright fantastic. Fantastic artwork. Storyline is quite unclear for episode 1, but I can see it has plenty of promise.

-Air Gear: If you missed Air(TV) (like me), fear not. Seems like they arn't related. This one is about this guy named Ikki trying to stamp his mark in a world were motorised rollerblades rule the world.

-The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Episode 1 was weird as hell, but many found it funny (though I didn't). Episode 2 made up for all of episode 1. It's about this girl who does not talk to anyone in class, i.e. a loner (sounds familar? :o). However, this guy comes in and manages to talk to her, and finds that she actually isn't anti-social, she just has a different thinking from everyone else. If you don't want to watch School Rumble 2 because you didn't watch season 1, and you want some high school comedy, this is for you.

So far, these 4 are the ones I loved. Of course, there are a few promising shows, namely ones which did not impress, but has promise, or just isn't all that fantastic for episodes 1 and 2.

-Nana: Adapted from the manga series. Anime storyline seems to follow the manga storyline (for now). Story is about 2 girls, both named Nana, both aged 20, getting together after meeting on a train.

-Soul Link: Ugh. With the success of Shuffle!, Navel tries yet once again on an anime. However, the art work, which impressed many in Shuffle! is almost non-existant. While it is acceptable (I've seen worse this season...), the storyline which captured me in Shuffle! is also no where to be seen in Soul Link. However, story seems to be picking up in episode 3, and I still have hopes that this would turn out good.

-.hack//roots: Ah, .hack series. After 2 episodes, I still don't understand what's going on. >_>. Story seems to be based on characters in a MMORPG. That's about all I understand for now.... Oh, great BGM by Kajiura Yuki

-Higurashi: Sounds like a ghost movie. Story is about this guy who moved into town recently, oblivious to the past it had. He goes to school, does the normal stuff, before finding out that every year, at a specific time, someone dies, with people related to him going missing. A dark dark plot seems to lie beyond. :o

-Ray The Animation: This one was one I had my eyes on for a while. Looks very good too, but nothing all that fantastic. Story is about this female who had her eyes stolen literally when she was young due to blackmarket organ transplant gangs. A talented surgeon fixed her eyes, and now, she has X-ray vision (Maybe that's why Ray is a female. :o). She uses her X-ray vision to help patients in a hospital with surgery, while looking for those who took her sight.

-Ah! My Goddess season 2: Ok, I'll be biased. I like Belldandy. Other than that...uh...yeah.

-Strawberry Panic!: Yuri content. :o. But more Shounen ai than Shoujo ai in this batch. In any case, story is about this girl named Aoi transferring to a (you guessed it) girls school. Muddled storyline, but she seems to be being chased after by the school's most famous female, the Etoile, who represents the schools. A lot of famous voice talents in the show too, particularly Mai Nakahara (Mai in Mai-Hime/Otome, Nanaha in Tactical Roar).

-Black Lagoon: Overhyped anime that actually somewhat lives up to its hype (for once! :o). Strange storyline, which is a guy from a huge japanese company being kidnapped, and find himself teaming up with his kidnappers because his company decides that he is too much of a liberity. LoL.

A few animes which I do advice you to keep away, but hey, it's up to you. :P

-Kiba: What can I say? Overrated, overhyped. Bleh. Think pokemon and Yugioh together. Story is about a bunch of people who have this power to summon spirits, which they keep in a ball. Spirits are all rather ugly looking too. The ONLY saving grace of this song is the opening theme, Sanctuary, sang by Nami Tamaki (Gundam Seed 3rd/4th Opening, GSD 1st ending theme).

-Girls HIGH: The name is longer, but I can't be bothered to remember (LIME is doing it, for anyone who care). This seems to be done by 2 drunk guys who decided that making an anime with a billion and one panty shots is a good idea. Only thing is, it's insanely excessive, and the anime has no plot. The opening theme by yozuca* is also VERY disappointing. Her works with D.C.S.S and Tactical Roar Opening theme are so much better.

-Diseaga: Xenosaga The Animation in the making. Nuff said. Rubbish.

-xxxholic: I just don't get why such animes are so hyped. Episode 1 was a bore to me. Makes absolutely no sense, and I don't see myself watching episode 2, especially with these many animes to watch. >_<

Also, there are a few animes I've placed on my "pending" list because 1 episode is not good enough to decide. I'll check episode 2 out before making the "drop or watch on" decision.

-Good Witch of the West - Astrea Testament: Story seems to be this girl who's supposed to be a queen, but was living on a village due to her parents dying or something. Not entirely sure. Waiting for episode 2.

-The Third: To be watched. Looks promising.
-Witchblade: To be watched.
-TOKKO: To be aired. If Oyasumi picks it up, it should be pretty good. They have quite an eye for spotting good animes (Black Cat/Pani Poni Dash)

Ones which I am working on/will probably be working on:

-Soul Link: For the sole reason of annoying Sophia. So far, I'm getting ready for episode 3, her team is still stuck with Disagea episode 1/2 problems. Rofl.

-School Rumble season 2: Season 1 owned. Season 2 owned too.

-Utawarerumono(?): Unsure. I hate BIG5 chinese characters, but they are the only fast ones available.

-The Third: Assuming we can get another editor (the current one has like, 9 projects., and it looks good, we could be doing it. :o

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Manga...Manga....and damned Chuangyi.

I finally found Shakugan No Shana manga in Kino.

Thing is, it's in goddamned japanese. =\. Not to mention, it costs $14+.

Bah. Fate/Stay Night is also no where to be seen.

Thankfully, I saw School Rumble manga on sale, and snapped it up.

However, the manga industry here is just plain sad. Manga industry in Taiwan and Hong Kong has picked up on where animes are, releasing comics like "REC" and "Fate/Stay Night", which are insanely hot now. Back in Singapore? The only manga you see are always "Bleach", "Narut(ard)o" and "One "P(iss)eace". Nana was released months before in Taiwan/Hong Kong, but is just being released here.

Sad. Very very sad.

But I can't really blame Chuangyi. It's not like the manga industry is huge here.

But still.....


I guess I'm only left with the option of heading back to Hong Kong to buy it at the end of the year. u_u

Monday, April 10, 2006

Rest in Peace, Madam Ong.

While I didn't know you too well, for you have never taught me or my class, you were one of the main pioneers of Coral, bringing the Choir club to what it is today. Your joyfulness will always be remembered.

Biting people in rugby is forgivable? What nonsense.

Really, Sunday Times never fails to provide me with something to trash about.

Amusing stuff too. :D

Recently, there's this ACS boy who got suspended from playing competition rugby for 2 years because he bit an opponent.

And today, the Sunday Times actually reported that there are people who feel that 2 years is too tough.


First of all, rugby IS a contact sport. I've played it before. Got myself all drenched in mud in school, bruises on my legs after being tackled a fair few times. I know the battle conditions out there, bullets flying over your head, as you desperately hold your helmet while your backs is on a trench, thinking "WTF am I doing here?".

So yes, rugby is a contact sport.

However, biting people? >_>

First of all, if you have to use such underhanded tactics to win, you're a loser. If you have to use underhanded tactics which causes bodily harm to your opponent, you are a total moronic loser. Winning is NOT everything sometimes. There's no need to use steriods, dive, whatever. However, once you actually inflict bodily harm, on purpose, you've crossed another line.

What surprised me is that the few people who is on the "give him a chance" side used excuses like "He's young" and "he's remorsful". Of course he's remorseful. What else is he supposed to "feel"? Happy? The situation has already black listed his school, and if he said "I feel no regrets whatsoever biting that guy", something is wrong with him. Also, it's precisely the fact that he's young, that 2 years was slapped on him (note: 3 years is the max. I'll put ban for life actually). If the rubgy union reduces the charge, just what is the signal they are sending? >_> Biting is ok, if you are young enough? Because you are "immature", you may bite? What if this traits carry on? Do we want to see players biting each other in a Rugby world cup?

Seriously. People really need to learn how to pick sides.


When I'm alone, I'm very happy.
Because all I need to think about, is myself.
However, when another person gets involved,
One must consider about the other party as well.
Although there will be misunderstandings,
Leading to quarrels and fights.
However, as long as you have spirit to ache for the other party...
No matter who you have kissed,
Nor does it matter who you love.
The only thing that won't change will be my feelings for you!!

-- Kuga Natsuki

That phrase popped up in book 4 when I reread the Mai-HiME manga for..uh..4th time.

God, I love that manga.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Depression sets in. =\

Friday, April 07, 2006

Site updates.

New banner. School rumble. Horrible picture quality, but I just *HAD* to do it when I saw that scene. I'm surprised that there isn't a better picture around. Did some searching on google, nothing really decent turned up.

Oh well. O2jam died anyway. Now that I've completed NOTD:AfterMath, I have nothing to do.


I need to stop messing around with Photoshop when I'm free.

And start messing around with Aftereffects.

Song of (whatever) changed to Main Theme (of Shin Onimusha Dawn of Dreams), by Jamie Christopherson, from Shin Onimusha Dawn of Dreams Original Soundtrack. Fantastic soundtrack. Lots of battle stuff, something I fall easily for. :D


I'm one for making fast, and quality. However, when I mean quality, I don't mean 3 edit pass, which screws up my script, or 3 QCers going through it or something.

Speedsubbing 4 life.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

School Rumble: A dream of Youth.


26 episodes.

It's finally over.

As part of my research for a new project (school Rumble season 2. :o), I've gotten a friend of mine to send me the entire School Rumble series.

And hell. It's good. No wonder 7 Chinese Fansub teams are on it. (and counting. :o)

Of course, of the entire lot of April Animes, School Rumble Semester 2 is, by far, the best. Semester 1 was funny as hell. Basically, it's your usual love comedy that took place in school. But instead of putting lame jokes, the show used animation and sound effects to further boost the laugh factor.


Sunday, April 02, 2006

FBI's breaking into your house! April Fools!

So, April the 1st has come and gone.

And so did the event known as "April Fools", where you get off with all sorts of pranks by saying "April Folls!". Like "Hi. Sorry, but I realised I'm gay and I wanna break up. April Fools!"

That kind of crap.

Of course, everyone likes to get into the spirit. Newspapers, magazines....the list goes on.

Naturally, websites love to join in the fun.

Tokyotosho was the one who brought me into remembering that special day, as I woke up at 11pm, switched on the comp to see what Animes/music/hentai/Music Videos I can download.

I was greeted with an Eagle/Osprey on a crest, with the words "Department of Justice" nicely hanging out. Words like "Illegal downloads" and "You are not annoymous" were tossed all over the place, with your IP and where you are from flashing at the bottom of the screen.

My first instinct was that Tokyotoshan was hacked, since I fully know that TT cannot be caught by the court. However, the realisation that I was fooled was smacked at me when I visited the forums I frequent, namely GameFAQs who had a huge front page saying "Do not think you cannot be caught" (RIAA's famous words, BTW), saying that GameFAQs has been shut down because it encourages cheating (in games) XD.

All's fun, until people take it a little too far. Too far is like "Hey, your sis's committed suicide! April Fools! \o/".

And that's what some fansubbing teams did.

Nanashi decided that releasing 7 fake episodes (1.38 gig in total) would be fun. Even more so when they didn't say put an indication that it's fake. Of course, many leechers think otherwise, since 1.38gig of Eureka 7 is something they have been waiting for, since they are one of the so few teams that work on it, and only to be disappointed by a joke sub.

Of course, there are other teams with joke subs. But they make it clear. School Rumble episode 27? :o. And who can ever forget DB's fake Bleach releases which they have so clearly indicated (No usual [DB] tag), but still get leechers? (Right, Missile-chan? XD)

However, Nanashi just took it too far, even for April Fools. Jokes are meant to be funny, not just to yourself, but to everyone.

It so seems that Nanashi can't get it. LoL.

Note: I don't watch Eureka 7, in case you are wondering.


Tiong Bahru plaza. Ahh...all the memories from sec 1.

Visited there today. It used to be a pretty dark place with few interests, from what I recall.

However, that place is boring as hell for me today. Sure, the Comic Connection there is huge (bigger than the usual ones), and I was sorely tempted to buy some GSD stuff there (Lacus's hair clip! Too bad it's a little poorly painted. ._.). Other than has....


The arcade was a disappointment. Even for E-Zone, it's small, it's stuff, and it has no decent games to speak about. The shops are rather more catered towards females, and so, I'm bored as hell while my parents were at the Supermarket.

Huge difference in just 6 years. :o.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

5 projects.

14 hours.
